Successful participation with 3D PluraView at Open Day Photogrammetry

Successful participation with 3D PluraView at Open Day Photogrammetry
Schneider Digital as a reliable partner for the aerial survey industry

As one of the first companies supporting the “Open Day Photogrammetry” conference series (ODP) three years ago, Schneider Digital was again present at ODP2023 with an exhibition stand, high-end photogrammetry workstation and the 28″ 3D PluraView at this years’ conference venue, the Münster-Osnabrück airport (FMO). More than twenty European and international companies, the core of the aerial surveying industry, presented their equipment and exhibited inside the FMO terminal building. Several surveying aircraft also flew in and were directly accessible to the 150+ conference visitors, mostly from German, Austrian and Swiss state /federal authorities and services companies.

As a focused aerial surveying conference, the ODP2023 was clearly a ‘hands-on’ and ‘get-close event’, showcasing the latest high-tech aerial camera and airborne LiDAR equipment. Expertly organized this year by the Austrian aerial surveying AVT Group (, the visitors had ample time to gather information about the latest aerial technology developments in workshop sessions, through a series of presentations and of course directly on the airfield and in the conference’s spacious exhibition area.

Since 2016, Schneider Digital has firmly positioned itself in the aerial surveying industry as a trusted manufacturer of the precision-calibrated 3D PluraView™ stereo-monitor series and special photogrammetric workstations for GIS feature collection. Recently, Schneider Digital has enhanced its stereoscopic display portfolio by the GlobeView™ large-format stereoscopic displays, a perfect tool for the presentation of geospatial 3D datasets, such as 3D city models.

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Schneider Digital’s workstation expertise extends to the ultra-fast, yet compact CopyStation and CopyStation PRO series of small-format, mobile PC units for aerial survey companies to rapidly copy large amounts of raw aerial camera data to secure storage media. For the processing of hundreds of Terabytes of aerial camera and LiDAR data, Schneider has built and delivered to customers around the World specific SD Image Server hardware solutions, processing reliably and rapidly raw aerial survey datasets into geospatial products, such as digital surface and terrain models (DSM/DTM), orthorectified images and ultra-realistic 3D City Models.

For more information about the annual Open Day Photogrammetry events, please click here.

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